Utilities/Online Utilities
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See also Utilities | Index | Downloads | Patches and versions | Related Websites
Game setup | References | Calculators | In-game information processing and sharing | m and x file management | Online Utilities
Online Utilities
Alan Kolaga's Charts of habitability spread and mineral concentrations
- can be found here
Craebild's Stars! Overall Planet Habitability and Race Econ Calculator
- version: 1.0.39
- can be found here and at Stars!wiki
- downloadable for offline use
Useful tool for visualising the quantity and quality of greens/yellow/reds for a given hab setting & terraforming capability. Can also calculate maximum output for a given econ/planet and resources needed to obtain tech levels.
Flash Race Wizard
- can be found here
- requires Adobe Flash Player.
- author: ninja_squirrel (Andrew)
Abode Flash version of the Stars! race wizard.
M.A.Stars' Stars! Trip and Fuel Usage Calculator
- can be found here
- downloadable for offline use
M.A.Stars' Stars! Packet Travel Calculator
- can be found here
- downloadable for offline use
M.A.Stars' Stars! Tech Tree and Item Table
- can be found here
- download techtree.rar 3kb
- download itemtable.rar 12kb
PaulCr's Utilities
- Changes the robotoid expert AI(only) and it gives it triple immunity, 20% growth, the best economic settings possible and some positive LRTs
Simple to use utilities that grant any MT item(s) or tech level(s) to any player by directly altering a supplied HST file. Also Available: PRT & Wormhole editors, (Technical) Stars! file parsers and formats
Stars! Packet Damage Calculator
- can be found here
- download Stars!_Packet_Damage_Calculator.rar 3kb
- author: Allyn Craig
Javascript website for calculating the impact and effects of packets at different speeds and at different sizes.
Wumpus's Stars! Battlesim generator
- can now be found here
Creates an HST file for conducting battlesim testbeds in, includes most PRT/LRT combos with all MT components. Allows user defined tech levels.
Wumpus's Stars! race file checker
can be found hereoffline
XDude's Star's Online Calculator
- can be found here
- or here at Altruist's Collection of Strat & Tact
Two calculators, one for torpedos/computers/jamming and the other for beams/capacitors/deflectors