From Stars!wiki

Stars!wiki is currently hosted by Ron Miller as part of Stars! AutoHost and chiefly administered by Gible.
Announcements and notifications about Stars!wiki appear in this thread at Stars! AutoHost - Home World Forum
See Also: Policies, Disclaimer, News, Editor News
5 August
- Staz moots the idea of collecting Stars! knowledge in a wiki at HWF[1]
18 January
- With the creation of, the first Stars!wiki goes live at . Kindly hosted by Papabear on an old machine and with his somewhat overloaded DSL connection. It is almost unusably slow but Staz and Gible begin data entry anyway.
24 April
- Papabear moves and is unable to continue hosting at his new address. Stars!wiki is down until a new host can be found.
28 July
- Yanni is now hosting. Stars!wiki is faster, responsive usable and even has it's own domain but the data from the old host is inaccessible.
06 November
- Abandoning the old data, the new wiki is announced[2] and work begins afresh entering data into the new wiki. Staz quickly copies in the structure of Stars!FAQ, and Stars!wiki gradually becomes not only usable - but useful!
06 February
- The Stars!FAQ article database is finally copied to Stars!wiki.
10 February
- After just over two years of Monobook, Stars!wiki gets it's first makeover, and now looks like a Stars! website.
26 January
- Stars!wiki has moved to a new (faster) machine and is now professionally housed at a co-location center.
12 June
- Stars!wiki is now multi-lingual! Eagle of Fire has kindly volunteered to translate to a french version. Given the volume of information Stars!wiki has acquired over the years this is a daunting prospect so we wish him all the best.
- At this point the Stars!wiki Statistics reports 944 total pages of which 507 are of significant size, 179 uploaded media files, 109 registered users and a total of 414,390 page views. There are 158 files available for download totaling 134MB. For the last 24hrs, Firestats reports 55 visits and 441 page views. AWStats reports an average of 828 page views and 63.83MB per day so far this month, and an average of 925MB per month so far this year. Both stats not including traffic generated by robots, worms, or replies with special HTTP status codes.
21 October
- Stars!wiki returns to domestic housing but retains the hardware.
4 Jan
10 Feb
- Stars!wiki is rebuilt on its own virtual server running Ubuntu 9.10 and Mediawiki 1.15.1
16 Feb
- For the first time ever, Stars!wiki can now email password reminders (and do those other email type things too)
Also Imagemaps now work, see the Stars! Player's Guide for examples
3 Oct
- Stars!wiki has moved again! Maybe the for the last time. Thanks to Ron Miller, Stars!wiki has come full circle and is now hosted as part of Stars! AutoHost