Utilities/In-game information processing and sharing
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Game setup | References | Calculators | In-game information processing and sharing | m and x file management | Online Utilities
In-game information processing/sharing
- author: LEit
Utility that combines multiple pxx or fxx reports into a single output file.
Information Trader
- download i-trade.zip v1.45 498kb
- offsite download at Stars! AutoHost
- no homepage, originally hosted at Stars! Autohost
Allows players to transfer gaming information without compromising their own security.
- download mSplit.zip 10kb
- offsite download at sourceforge
- homepage: stars-utils at sourceforge
- author: Wumpus
mSplit is a small command-line tool to split a multi-year M file into it's consitutent 1-year parts. Includes source code and compiled binaries for both windows and linux.
Secret Intelligence Reporter
- download sir.zip v0.5beta 310kb
- author: Matthias Delleart
Program for recording information about your opponents(prt,lrts,etc), can also import .pxx files and display them as a map.
Stars! Log
The Stars! Log program is designed to help players manage large and complex games by enabling the player to write notes and assign them to specific planets, fleets. Each note can also be made specific year, and you can also make notes and record information about the other players or races.
Allows players to pool player information to create a graphic representation. Dos based, Nice output.
- Besides slight differences in the starmap.exe size and date, I can't tell them apart.
- download StarMapper.zip v1.02 426kb
- requires Sun's Java Runtime Environment v1.3.1 or higher
- Homepage old homepage
- author:Jezuch
StarMapper takes reports generated by the game and generates a map showing approximate empire territories.
Stars! Host Creator
- download StarsHostCreator.zip v0.08 87.3kb
- download StarsHostCreator.zip v0.10 71.1kb
- Source:
offsite downloadatPaulCr's Pageoffline - Author: PaulCr
- release announcement in the Bar at HWF
- Requires Microsoft .NET Framework v2.0 or higher
Stars! Host Creator allows you to create a .hst file from your m, h and r files for testbedding scenarios. Paul has warned that the starshosteditor.dll included in this zip is different to the dll from Stars Host Editor and should not be used separately from Stars! Host Creator. Also, as Paul is still developing this:
- Please report any issues you find back to PaulCr at HWF.
- The offsite download may link to a newer version than those listed here.
- download admiral2.zip 34.9kb
- xml dump of Paul's m file for Fledgling Admirals 2 from last year along with a script for grabbing the battle plans from it and saving then into a csv file.
Stars! Message Reader
- download starsmsg.zip v1.1 162kb
- Author: Thomas Stüfe
The Stars! Message Reader automatically scans Stars! and reads all messages. It stores them into an internal database, or you can save them as a plain text file. You can easily read messages from previous turns and filter player messages.
Stars! Notebook
Stars! Notebook is a program for recording information about your opponents. Can import and visually display information from .pxx and .fxx files.
Stars! Report Processor
- download starsreportsprocessor.zip v0.9.4beta 319kb
- Offsite download at Stars! Autohost
- Author: Feliks Przybyszewski (Nexus One)
- No homepage, release announcement in the Bar at HWF
A program for managing/visualising existing/potential fleet movements, scanning capabilities, distances and more.
Starstat & Starinfo
- download starstat.zip v1.04c 8kb
- author:Hilton Lange
- download starinfo.zip v1.0 86kb
- author:blprice
Otherwise identical DOS and Windows programs, respectively, that report on various aspects of the Stars! gamefiles such as the version, the presence of multiple turns in a .m file etc. Both incorrectly, but consistently, report the Stars version for v1.1a(reports 1.2a), v2.0a(2.65), 2.6i(2.81j) and 2.6JRC4(2.83) game files.
- download Strategist- 777kb
- offsite download at Stars! Strategist
- download strategist-non-windows-
- offsite download at Stars! Strategist
- requires Sun's Java Runtime Environment v1.4 or higher
- Source/Homepage: Stars! Strategist
- Author:John Gardner
Strategist allows you to import data from every turn and then watch how the universe changes. It also has some simple charting and graphing abilities.
- download territories.zip v0.5.1 1.81Mb
- offsite download at Orionian Empire
- homepage: Orionian Empire
- author: Jason Hissong
Territories is a Free Windows 95 mapping program for Stars! It imports the text data dumped by the Stars! program and based on that information, displays a map for you.
Xtreme Borders

- download dlXB.zip v1.6.5 2.6Mb (includes VB6 libraries)
- download dlXBupdate.zip v1.7.1 106kb
- requires Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Runtime Libraries
- homepage: Pirates Retreat
- author: Stuart Douglas
Xtreme Borders is a mapper program which allows players to combine and analyse data extracted from the game, including the visualization of each players influence over a territory, mapping of stargate networks and the display of allies scanner data, while providing a convenient place for keeping notes on the other races in the game.
Habitability Filters
For filtering/sifting .pxx files to determine habitable planets.
- download hab.zip 22kb
- author: Patrick Van Oosterwijck
Dos(commandline) program that outputs a list of inhabitable planets from the .pxx file present. Syntax:
- Hab <game> <gravmin> <gravmax> <tempmin> <tempmax> <radmin> <radmax>
Contains two example .bat files that pipe the output to a file.
Hab kit
- download hab_kit.zip 48kb
- source: offsite download at Olden Stars Host
- author: John Stranart
Hab kit is an excel macro to filter the New Player Reports for habitability. Contains instructions.
Similar to Hab, except that Habs prompts you for your hab settings, and then the hab of each planet.
- Using the following data it reports 0% ?!? Grav: 1 to 1.2 Temp: -40 to 40 Rad: 80 to 100 Planet: 1.1/0/90
Planet Sniffer
- download PlanetSnifferv05.zip v0.5 351kb
- download Planet Sniffer.rar v0.2 332kb
- download psniff_beta.zip v0.2 397kb
Stars! Info
- download starsinfo.zip v1.07 2.07MB
- author: Dave Wells
Displays the information from a .pxx file in an interface similar to Stars, showing you the 'localised' planet values.