From Stars!wiki
Because the best old Stars! websites keep quietly disappearing all of the utilities below have download links from Stars!wiki itself, if you are the author of any of these files and would like a file to not be available from Stars!wiki, please contact Gible to have it removed. Where possible, links to files' homepages or original web locations are included. - feel free to add any we missed.
You can also help by writing the individual articles for the utilities that require installation or usage instructions, or just coz they deserve it.
- see also:
Stars automated micromanagement
- download autoproduction.zip 196kb
- source:offsite download at Blue's Stars Page
- thread at HWF
- Author: BlueTurbit
Stars automated micromanagement is an AutoHotKey program that simluates keystrokes mouse clicks to automate setting production queues.
Stars Player Colours Changer
download StarsPlayerColoursChanger.exe 35.5kb
- Source: offsite download at PaulCr's Page
- Requires Microsoft .NET Framework v3.5 or higher
- Author: PaulCr
- release announcement in The Academy at HWF
"Player Colours editor that edits the English (or what Americans call English anyway) version of stars 2.6jrc4 that is 3,344,384 bytes long." Purely cosmetic.
Colour Map which shows a set of colours on the Space, Scanner & Pen Scanner Coloured backgrounds, the default set creates the page using value of 0,64,128,192 & 255 for each of the components which produces 125 colour combinations but it can also be set to use a different list in the parameters such as link which create 216 based on 0,51,102,153,204 & 255 (00,33,66,99,CC,FF) For helping to find suitable colour values to use.
Game setup utilities
- See also Customizing Stars!
- download genesis.zip v0.5beta 181kb
- source: offsite download at Olden Stars Host
- Author: Mathias Dellaert
A spiral galaxy creator for Stars!
- download map2xy.zip 66kb
- offsite download at sourceforge
- homepage: stars-utils at sourceforge
- author:LEit
Map2XY will take a .xy file and a .map file and modify the .xy file to match the .map file. This allows moving planets on the y axis (north/south) quite a bit, since you cannot change the order of the planets, the x axis isn't too modifiable, except you could stretch or compress the universe. It also allows renaming the planets, to other Stars! names only.
- download mapper07.exe v0.7 88kb
- homepage: Stars R Us
Mapper recreates the xy universe file from a GIF file. Also allows the xy file to be exported to a GIF.
Star Name Changer
Allows you to change the names of your stars/planets in Stars! games. This only affects your XY file, so if you want the changes to apply to everyone, they will need to receive the updated XY file. Zip file contains instructions, and different versions for different operating systems.
Stars Host Editor
- download starshosteditor0.3.zip 43.2kb
- download starshosteditor0.2.zip 29.6kb
- download starshosteditor0.1.zip 28.3kb
- source: offsite download
- author/homepage: PaulCr's Stars! page
Stars Host Editor is an ActiveX object model for editing planets in the *.hst files via vbs scripts(or other means). Currently sufficient properties are editable for dramatic changes and PaulCr plans to keep going until everything is editable. See also #Stars Player Editor
Stars Planet Swapper
- download PlanetSwapper.exe 36kb
- source: offsite download
- author/homepage: PaulCr's Stars! page
Preliminary utility for swapping planets around, open turn file and get the id for the 2 planets you want to swap, subtract one and enter them into the utility. The planets and any ships in orbit will be swapped after a gen takes place, there shouldn't be a .x file when generating since it will not be corrected for the changes. A couple of limitations noted by XyliGUN "which looks more like a bugs, but not a real limitations:"
- You cannot use it with remapped universes (but you can remap them after swapping), otherwise fleets will be located somewhere in space.
- If players' secondary planet (IT, PP) has lower id than HW then after swapping it should keep id that will be lower than HW. And if it was higher it should be keept higher. Otherwise that player will see his HW or secondary planet uninhabited until first gen.
Stars Player Editor
- download starsplayereditor.zip 42.1kb
- source: offsite download
- author/homepage: PaulCr's Stars! page
Stars Player Editor is an ActiveX object model for editing planets in the *.m files via vbs scripts. Currently sufficient properties are editable for dramatic changes and PaulCr plans to keep going until everything is editable. See also #Stars Host Editor
Stars Universe Selector
- download starsUS.zip 18.7kb
- source: offsite download
- author/homepage: PaulCr's Stars! page
Allows you to create a stars game with restrictions on distances between HWs and closest planets counts
Stretched Universe
- download stretch.zip 18kb
- source: offsite download at Olden Stars Host
- author: Shane Kearns
Stretched universe is a command line utility that rescales (stretches or squashes) a universe for the Stars! game.
- Library Articles: "So, You want to build a ***HUGE*** Universe?" by Donjon - 10 Apr 2008
Universe Creator
- download uc1_3.zip v1.3 272kb
- download uc1_2.zip v1.2 260kb
- homepage: DStars! (offline)
A great utility that allows hosts to not only model the galaxy off a bitmap, but also allows them to move homeworlds around. There are some restrictions as to where the new homeworlds are placed.
- download univ15.zip 808kb
- source:offsite download at Olden Stars Host
- author:Stan Janus
I have no idea what this does(it has an installer which I haven't run yet). I'm guessing its a setup util.
- download xy2pbm.zip 32kb
- source: offsite download at Olden Stars Host
- author: Shane Kearns
Converts between .xy file and portable bitmap (.pbm) file.
Stars Editor
- download dlStarEd.zip v1.2 53kb
- requires Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Runtime Libraries
- homepage: Pirates Retreat
- author: Stuart Douglas
Complete component and hull editor for Stars! with a an easy to use interface (works with both I and JRC3 patches), modifications can be saved into a small .STM/MOD file, which can be distributed to players to modify their own exe's with. (Note: It's best to keep an unedited copy of stars on your harddisk)
- zerohack.stm (40.3kb local): "All items at zero tech and zero cost except for the cost of planetary installations and terraforming. Mass has not been changed."
- observer.stm (40.9kb local): "Elephant scanner and nub hull are available at no tech, mineral or resource cost. They can be build in 2400."
- unedited.zip {6.86kb local): Mod file of the unedited Stars!
- if you get an error saying 'MSFLXGRD.ocx or one of its dependancies is missing' use libraryfiles.exe (5797kb local) from Ascentive Support Centre
- See also: Customizing Stars!#StarsEd
Geneticus Mod
The Genenticus mod makes sweeping changes to the game balance, including weaking ships, strengthing starbases and converting all ship slots to general purpose or combo slots.
Viper Mod
- download viper23.zip 7,28kb
- download stars27jrc3-viper23.rar 0.99Mb
- source: offsite download at ???? ? Stars!
- offsite download at Stars! FAQ
- Author: Coyote
- download vml_09b.zip 16.8kb
- source: offsite download at ???? ? Stars!
- offsite download at Stars! FAQ
- download VML-modfile1.1a.zip 1.2Mb
- source: offsite download at ???? ? Stars!
Verker's VML mod for which the VML Lounge at HWF is named.
Vulture Mod
- download vulture.zip 7kb
- source: offsite download at ???? ? Stars!
- offsite download at Stars! FAQ
- Author: Adam Oddy
- See also Learn to play for a variety of Stars!wiki references for new/beginning players.
Details of Ship Hull Layouts
- download Design.pdf 77.5kb
- requires Adobe Acrobat
- source:offsite download
- Author: PaulCr
All ship hull layouts showing each slot's options and internal slot id
Battle Movement Studies
- downloadMoveLast.zip 4.01kb
- Author:AlexTheGreat
The XLS spreadsheet results of AlexTheGreat's study on which ship moves first when they are of similar weights.
- "I don't know that I'd call it a study. I just determine the correct formula, determined whether the Help file (15%) or FAQ (20%) was right by running some tests & made a simple S/S.
- One thing that I have been meaning to do is check whether BS has an effect. eg. Ship A has BS=2.25 & Ship B has BS=1.75. In battle round 1 Ship A is capable of moving 3 spaces but Ship B is only capable of moving 2 spaces. I suspect that it makes no difference, i.e. that Ship A always moves 2 spaces & Ship B always moves one space & only then that the odds are calculated for their final possible movement. However I have not gotten around to confirming that suspicion."
- download last-move.zip 25.8kb
- Author:Denham
Denham's spreadsheet and graph support the results of AlexTheGreat. It includes results from 1072 battle simulation last moves with ships of two different speeds.
Pben - Stars! Population Growth Rate Study
- download Pben - Stars! Population Growth Rate Study.zip 110kb
- author:Paul Benjamin
Results from the Population growth rate study performed by Paul that resulted in the Population Growth Rate Formula calculator.
Stars! Bitmaps
The bitmap resources from the Stars! executable. (aka - all the pics from the game)
Stars! box icons
- download starsboxicons.rar 317kb
- author: P.A.Gregory
Icons (.ico) of the Stars box cover with white and transparent backgrounds. Stars! box covers gallery.
Stars! Help File
Stars! help file in Word 6.0 format for Stars! version 2.0b.
- download e27ihelp.zip for v2.7i/2.6i 478kb in .hlp format (original)
- download stars!.hlp.doc.rar 435kb in .doc format
- online in .html format - archived:download stars.hlp.html.rar 2.71MB
Officially called Stars! Player's Guide, the last produced Stars! help file was for versions 2.6/7i. It is know to contain many errors and omissions, but is still a useful resource.
- An up-to-date version is incorporated into Stars!wiki at Stars! Player's Guide
Stars! Strategy Guide
- download ssgfrm.zip 1.27Mb
- download ssgnofrm.zip 1.26Mb
- download ssguide2-5rus.zip 1.05Mb (in Russian)
- download ssg06.zip 10.5kb (replacement file for ch 6 in Russian)
- source: offsite download at ???? ? Stars!
- View online at Stars!wiki
- View online at Stars!wiki (Ch 1-6 in Russian)
- View online at Maestros del Pulimento (in Spanish) (offline?)
- See also Related Websites - look for Includes Official Stars! Strategy GuideSSG
- homepage: Waypoint Zero (decommissioned)
The official Stars! Strategy Guide in html format. With or without frames. Only chapters 1-5, and the text of ch 6 have been translated in the Russian version.
Complete list of tech items(hulls,components & terraforming) sorted by tech field and level. Each item is listed in every tech area it requires.
from Stars! CD
Stars! Credits movie
- download STS_16LO.AVI 17.7Mb (low resolution version)
- download STS_16HI.AVI 26.2Mb
An avi format movie of the Stars! credits from programmers to play testers.
Stars! Manual
- download manual.rar for v2.7i 2.82Mb
- requires Adobe Acrobat
The official Stars! game manual in pdf format.
Battlesim Testbed
- download battlesim.zip 58kb
- source: offsite download at Stars! FAQ
- author: Ben Setala
- Superceded by Wumpus's Stars! Battlesim generator
Set of game files for conducting battlesim testbeds in, allows for most PRT/LRT combos and all races are at max tech with all MT components. Unzip into a new directory and edit the links to suit your own directory structure.
Blue's Scout Report
A little program to show possible early scout configurations and their tech requirements based on ship mass. |
Chaff Sweeping Calculator
- download chaffsweep32.exe 87kb (self extracting zip)
- download ChaffMine.zip v0.3.2 6kb
- offsite download at Stars! Autohost
- authors: Dan Neely and LEit
A program that estimates the number of chaff needed to "chaff sweep" a minefield.
Dogthinker's HabCalc
- download habcalc.rar 87.1kb
- Source/Author: Dogthinker
Similar to Craebild's Stars! Overall Planet Habitability and Race Econ Calculator, you plug in the hab values of your race, and it tells you what the planets you would get would look like... If you went into a universe with a universe where each possible star appeared it's statistical average number of timesonly a a whole lots less pretty and a more accurate. Unlike Craebild HabCalc, this calculates based on the complete set of possible planet values rather than a random sample or a theoretical distribution. To use: edit input.txt, run habcalc and the results will be stored in output.txt.
ForceUser's ISAR Calculator
- download ISAR 1.01.zip 8.19kb
- source/homepage: offsite download at The Alternate Reality
- Author: ForceUser
"Inner Strength and AR Population calculator. (It's a dos program but should work fine in Windows) I wrote it using Turbo Pascal in Grd 11. It's a simple math equation that you could easily reproduce in Excel or similar spreadsheet. I like it coz it's simple. Asks the right questions and is a small background program."
Opt Move
- author: LEit
Utility that allows you to enter max warp and distance and it punches back the optimal warp settings and distance for travelling that distance. Very useful for ship movements that are fuel-limited or time constrained like shifting population or orbital adjustors.
Packet Damage Calculator
- download pacal.zip 17kb
- offsite download at Stars! AutoHost
- no homepage, originally hosted at Stars! AutoHost
- author: abcraig
Program for calculating the impact and effects of packets at different speeds and at different sizes
Packet Flinger Calculator
- download MPFC.zip v1.3 13.36KB
- v1.3 is set up for multiple packet calculations instead of just 1 packet with v1.0
- download pfc.zip v1.0 10KB
- author:Chris Spagnoli
A program for calculating optimal packet size & speeds. "Mass Destruction Made Easy"
Packet Location Calculator
homepage: Stars! FAQ
- author: James McGuigan
Program for predicting the future location of mass packets and fleets. Accurate over multiple years. Released under GNU Public Licence, source code included in zip file.
- download RWCalc.sfx.exe v0.35beta 304kb
- source: offsite download at ???? ? Stars!
- author: Piotr Marasz
Graphically displays resource,population,mines & factory growths.
Stars! Calculator
- download Starscal2.5.rar v2.5 155kb
- download Starscal3.06.rar v3.06 217kb
- download starscal3.06.hlp.zip 15.6kb
The single most useful calculator for Stars! around.
Stars! Xpert
The Xpert is a calculator for cloaking, bombing, packet damage, weapons damage (with respect to capacitors, deflectors, computers and jammers), fuel consumption, and planetary resources.
These all require Microsoft Excel of varying versions. A viewer is available from Microsoft downloads
Attractivness Calculator Spreadsheet
- download target.zip 7kb
- source: offsite download at Stars! FAQ
- author: Art Lathrop
Spreadsheet for calculating the relative attractivness (for targeting order during battle) of ship designs
Bombardment Spreadsheet
Russian excel file for calculating packet damage(I think)
- description at Olden Stars Host: Рассчёт бомбардировок в Exel
Bombing Spreadsheet
Excel file for calculating population & installation kills from mixed bombing fleets.
Dog's Multiple-Packet Calculator
For calculating the damage done by multiple packets and bombs.
Inner Strength ORGY Calculator
- download InnerStrengthORGY_v2.xls v2.1 22kb
- Author: P.A.Gregory
It tells you how much pop you need to hold at 300% with your orgy, as well as telling you how many resorces you will produce. It also has a ground combat calculator to tell you how many babies you need to drop out of your freighters to destroy your enemies HW. Includes calculation for population required on Red planets, as well as planets below 5% that have the capacity of 5% worlds. [1]
Per's Terra-Hab-Tool
- download Pers-terra-hab-tool_v1.03.zip v1.03 1.21Mb
- offsite download at Altruist's Collection of Strat & Tact
- author/source: Per Rindom
Click a button and automatically your and your allies p-files get loaded, sorted and a hab-value-comparison of the planets will be calculated for you and/or your allies (extremely helpful in alliances and much easier to use than the other tools I know). Additionally see how much improvement 1-10 units of terraforming gives you and several other features.
Population Growth Rate Formula
- download pben3.zip 136kb
- author:Paul Benjamin
Excel spreadsheet for determining the effectiveness(vis a vis population growth) of exporting population between two planets. Includes an explanatory html file on how growth works.
Race Information
- download raceinfo.zip 11.2kb
- source/author: offsite download at Stephen Posey's Stars! Page
- homepage: Stephen Posey's Stars! Page
Feed it race screen info and get max factories/mines/resources/hab clicks/starting tech levels
S.B.Posey's Spreadsheet
- download posey.zip 101kb updated 30-Jun-2010 [2]
- download posey.original.zip 107kb
- source/author: offsite download at Stephen Posey's Stars! Page (offline)
- homepage: Stephen Posey's Stars! Page
Expansive spreadsheet for calculating most of the guts within stars, including jamming, movement, cloaking, colony projection, planet habitability, tech trade probabilities, research timescales, minefields and more.
Terraforming Spreadsheet
- download TerraForm.zip 538kb
- source: offsite download at Stars! FAQ
- Contains Visual Basic scripts
- author: Karl Peninger
Spreadsheet for calculating the most optimal order for terraforming planets in an alliance.
- author: overworked(OWK)
This is the second generation of the Ugly_TT spreadsheet for calculating terraforming values and "best race" to colonize a given planet.
In-game information processing/sharing
- author: LEit
Utility that combines multiple pxx or fxx reports into a single output file.
Information Trader
- download i-trade.zip v1.45 498kb
- offsite download at Stars! AutoHost
- no homepage, originally hosted at Stars! Autohost
Allows players to transfer gaming information without compromising their own security.
- download mSplit.zip 10kb
- offsite download at sourceforge
- homepage: stars-utils at sourceforge
- author: Wumpus
mSplit is a small command-line tool to split a multi-year M file into it's consitutent 1-year parts. Includes source code and compiled binaries for both windows and linux.
Secret Intelligence Reporter
- download sir.zip v0.5beta 310kb
- author: Matthias Delleart
Program for recording information about your opponents(prt,lrts,etc), can also import .pxx files and display them as a map.
Stars! Log
The Stars! Log program is designed to help players manage large and complex games by enabling the player to write notes and assign them to specific planets, fleets. Each note can also be made specific year, and you can also make notes and record information about the other players or races.
Allows players to pool player information to create a graphic representation. Dos based, Nice output.
- Besides slight differences in the starmap.exe size and date, I can't tell them apart.
- download StarMapper.zip v1.02 426kb
- requires Sun's Java Runtime Environment v1.3.1 or higher
- Homepage old homepage
- author:Jezuch
StarMapper takes reports generated by the game and generates a map showing approximate empire territories.
Stars! Host Creator
- download StarsHostCreator.zip v0.08 87.3kb
- download StarsHostCreator.zip v0.10 71.1kb
- Source:
offsite downloadatPaulCr's Pageoffline - Author: PaulCr
- release announcement in the Bar at HWF
- Requires Microsoft .NET Framework v2.0 or higher
Stars! Host Creator allows you to create a .hst file from your m, h and r files for testbedding scenarios. Paul has warned that the starshosteditor.dll included in this zip is different to the dll from Stars Host Editor and should not be used separately from Stars! Host Creator. Also, as Paul is still developing this:
- Please report any issues you find back to PaulCr at HWF.
- The offsite download may link to a newer version than those listed here.
- download admiral2.zip 34.9kb
- xml dump of Paul's m file for Fledgling Admirals 2 from last year along with a script for grabbing the battle plans from it and saving then into a csv file.
Stars! Message Reader
- download starsmsg.zip v1.1 162kb
- Author: Thomas Stüfe
The Stars! Message Reader automatically scans Stars! and reads all messages. It stores them into an internal database, or you can save them as a plain text file. You can easily read messages from previous turns and filter player messages.
Stars! Notebook
Stars! Notebook is a program for recording information about your opponents. Can import and visually display information from .pxx and .fxx files.
Stars! Report Processor
- download starsreportsprocessor.zip v0.9.4beta 319kb
- Offsite download at Stars! Autohost
- Author: Feliks Przybyszewski (Nexus One)
- No homepage, release announcement in the Bar at HWF
A program for managing/visualising existing/potential fleet movements, scanning capabilities, distances and more.
Starstat & Starinfo
- download starstat.zip v1.04c 8kb
- author:Hilton Lange
- download starinfo.zip v1.0 86kb
- author:blprice
Otherwise identical DOS and Windows programs, respectively, that report on various aspects of the Stars! gamefiles such as the version, the presence of multiple turns in a .m file etc. Both incorrectly, but consistently, report the Stars version for v1.1a(reports 1.2a), v2.0a(2.65), 2.6i(2.81j) and 2.6JRC4(2.83) game files.
- download Strategist- 777kb
- offsite download at Stars! Strategist
- download strategist-non-windows-
- offsite download at Stars! Strategist
- requires Sun's Java Runtime Environment v1.4 or higher
- Source/Homepage: Stars! Strategist
- Author:John Gardner
Strategist allows you to import data from every turn and then watch how the universe changes. It also has some simple charting and graphing abilities.
- download territories.zip v0.5.1 1.81Mb
- offsite download at Orionian Empire
- homepage: Orionian Empire
- author: Jason Hissong
Territories is a Free Windows 95 mapping program for Stars! It imports the text data dumped by the Stars! program and based on that information, displays a map for you.
Xtreme Borders

- download dlXB.zip v1.6.5 2.6Mb (includes VB6 libraries)
- download dlXBupdate.zip v1.7.1 106kb
- requires Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Runtime Libraries
- homepage: Pirates Retreat
- author: Stuart Douglas
Xtreme Borders is a mapper program which allows players to combine and analyse data extracted from the game, including the visualization of each players influence over a territory, mapping of stargate networks and the display of allies scanner data, while providing a convenient place for keeping notes on the other races in the game.
Habitability Filters
For filtering/sifting .pxx files to determine habitable planets.
- download hab.zip 22kb
- author: Patrick Van Oosterwijck
Dos(commandline) program that outputs a list of inhabitable planets from the .pxx file present. Syntax:
- Hab <game> <gravmin> <gravmax> <tempmin> <tempmax> <radmin> <radmax>
Contains two example .bat files that pipe the output to a file.
Hab kit
- download hab_kit.zip 48kb
- source: offsite download at Olden Stars Host
- author: John Stranart
Hab kit is an excel macro to filter the New Player Reports for habitability. Contains instructions.
Similar to Hab, except that Habs prompts you for your hab settings, and then the hab of each planet.
- Using the following data it reports 0% ?!? Grav: 1 to 1.2 Temp: -40 to 40 Rad: 80 to 100 Planet: 1.1/0/90
Planet Sniffer
- download PlanetSnifferv05.zip v0.5 351kb
- download Planet Sniffer.rar v0.2 332kb
- download psniff_beta.zip v0.2 397kb
Stars! Info
- download starsinfo.zip v1.07 2.07MB
- author: Dave Wells
Displays the information from a .pxx file in an interface similar to Stars, showing you the 'localised' planet values.
.m/.x file management
AutoHost Client
- download ahclient.jar v2.2 180kb
- offsite download at sourceforge
- requires Sun's Java Runtime Environment v1.4 or higher
- homepage: Stars! Autohost Client
- author: jchoyt
- note: v2.2 program incorrectly reports v2.11
The AutoHost Client is a program to automate the interactions with the Stars! AutoHost web site, as well as some other common actions such as making backups of turn files, launching Stars!, and dumping fleet and planet reports.
Stars! Backup
- download starsbackup.zip 4.25MB
- contains: courier3.exe, dump_p_file.zip, emptyfolders_2400-2500.zip, emptyfolders_2501-2550.zip, Home World Forum- Hosting forum =- Idea for a new utility.url, index.html, rebuild_h_file.zip, starsbackup.box.zip
- Author/Homepage: Micha's Stars! game page
- Announcement in Hosting forum at HWF
Stars! Backup! consists of dos batch files, a vbs file, an email client & mailbox file, with instructions that enable a host to 1) keep backups of all the players' turns and 2) automate rebuilding a current history file should a player drop out.
Stars Hosting Assistant
(is apparently shareware)
- download starpwr.zip v0.7b 149kb
- author:Chris Klugewicz.
Hosting program for emailing turn files to players. Can also be used from the commandline/.bat file. Help file contains an example for integrating it into the Eudora email client to completely automate turn processing.
Stars! Supremacy Host
- download StarsSupremacyHost.zip 20.4kb
- Source: offsite download at PaulCr's Page
- Author: PaulCr
- release announcement in the Bar at HWF
- Requires Microsoft .NET Framework v2.0 or higher
Stars! Supremacy Host is an x file checker that detects some bugs/cheats. Currently checks for 22 or more superlatinum in a slot, prevents use of the 10th space dock for all races and prevents editing starbase design if there are partially completed ones in planet queue. The Dll has been written to allow or disallow each check on user by user basis basis but the test exe for it does not allow you to configure them.
Stars! TurnXChange
- download xchange.zip 98kb
- offsite download at Stars! AutoHost KN-2050
- author: Thomas Tong
Allows a web server to automate the hosting part of the game. The original perl code for the web hosting services provided by Stars! AutoHost.
Warp Central
- download wc15c.zip v1.5c 607kb
- author:Morten Lassen
Email program for hosts and players to quickly email turn files. Does not support receiving files.
Xtreme StarMail
- download dlstarmail.zip v1.3.0 32kb
- requires Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Runtime Libraries
- homepage: Pirates Retreat
A utility to help hosts manage the sending of turns to players (both MAPI and SMPT supported), allows for optional attachments, custom messages and alternate email addresses
Online Utilities
Alan Kolaga's Charts of habitability spread and mineral concentrations
- can be found here
Craebild's Stars! Overall Planet Habitability and Race Econ Calculator
- version: 1.0.39
- can be found here and at Stars!wiki
- downloadable for offline use
Useful tool for visualising the quantity and quality of greens/yellow/reds for a given hab setting & terraforming capability. Can also calculate maximum output for a given econ/planet and resources needed to obtain tech levels.
Flash Race Wizard
- can be found here
- requires Adobe Flash Player.
- author: ninja_squirrel (Andrew)
Abode Flash version of the Stars! race wizard.
M.A.Stars' Stars! Trip and Fuel Usage Calculator
- can be found here
- downloadable for offline use
M.A.Stars' Stars! Packet Travel Calculator
- can be found here
- downloadable for offline use
M.A.Stars' Stars! Tech Tree and Item Table
- can be found here
- download techtree.rar 3kb
- download itemtable.rar 12kb
PaulCr's Utilities
- Changes the robotoid expert AI(only) and it gives it triple immunity, 20% growth, the best economic settings possible and some positive LRTs
Simple to use utilities that grant any MT item(s) or tech level(s) to any player by directly altering a supplied HST file. Also Available: PRT & Wormhole editors, (Technical) Stars! file parsers and formats
Stars! Packet Damage Calculator
- can be found here
- download Stars!_Packet_Damage_Calculator.rar 3kb
- author: Allyn Craig
Javascript website for calculating the impact and effects of packets at different speeds and at different sizes.
Wumpus's Stars! Battlesim generator
- can now be found here
Creates an HST file for conducting battlesim testbeds in, includes most PRT/LRT combos with all MT components. Allows user defined tech levels.
Wumpus's Stars! race file checker
can be found hereoffline
XDude's Star's Online Calculator
- can be found here
- or here at Altruist's Collection of Strat & Tact
Two calculators, one for torpedos/computers/jamming and the other for beams/capacitors/deflectors